
Monday, February 22, 2016

Ecuador: Day 3 (morning) - Sacha Lodge

Another 4am wake-up call.  After too large a delicious breakfast of fresh fruit, bread, eggs, pancakes, sausage, bacon, baked plantains, juice, and coffee, we headed out into the jungle in the dark. 

We saw a few tarantulas along the way, but nothing any more sinister than that. Around dawn, we arrived at a canopy walkway - basically a suspension bridge between three metal towers, standing about 34 meters (or ~20 JLs) tall. 

From there we saw several birds, including tanagers, nunbirds, and woodpeckers. It stayed overcast all morning, and that kept it from getting too hot. 

On the way back we visited the owls we saw last night and got a few more photos. 
All in all, a good morning. 

Mandatory artsy-fartsy nunbird

Mariposa de oja seca


  1. Using JL as a measurement tool... Relatable and informative. Love it!!
