
Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Ecuador: Day 3 (afternoon) - Sacha Lodge

After lunch and a bit of a siesta, we and Andrew and Wilmer (proud new father) took the canoe across the lake to the trail that leads to the Napo. 

I like Wilmer. He looks hardly a day over twelve (I'm old now - I can say that) but he's actually 33, married, and has 2 kids. He's a native local, and English is his 3rd language, which he picked up entirely by working at Sacha Lodge the last twelve years. He was taught Spanish in school since the age of seven. He taught me the word for butterfly in his native language, which is "peempleetoo" (no idea on spelling) unless it's a female, in which cas it's "peemplah". So there you go. I'm sure that will serve me just as well as sinaasappelsap has. 

Anyway, the trail. It's a little over a mile long, and boardwalk the whole way. The birding wasn't great. We saw some jacamars, and a few other things, but it really wasn't the best. Fortunately, I passed the time taking pictures of other things. 

On returning to the lodge, we had some dinner and called it a night. Fortunately we finished dinner early, because the power to the entire lodge went out (including the Internet - sorry for the abrupt stop to the iMessages, Mom). Fortunately, all those still in the dining hall didn't have to eat in darkness for long, as things were up and running again in 5 minutes. Until 5 minutes later, when it all went dark again. But, 10 minutes after that, it was all good again, and apparently ran well all through the night.

Sacha Lodge

For whatever reason - I'm blaming the heat - neither Dad nor I slept very well. I caught him getting ready to head out around 1:45. To be fair, I'd be doing the same thing two hours later. It wasn't great. 

Fortunately, we somehow managed to actually be ready and as rested as possible for our next day's journey. 

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