
Friday, February 19, 2016

Ecuador: Day 0 - The Airport (and the Other Airport)

Up at 5:30 for breakfast and a last check through the luggage. 
Flight out of Denver. Nice sunny day. No issues. 
Once in Dallas, stopped for a beer and some bbq. 

Not bad.  Not bad at all. 

Then more airplane. And more airplane. We landed at 12:10am. I will disregard that this is now Day 1. Customs was a breeze. Some kid picked us up and we drove to the hotel in silence. Well, there was some modern music on the radio, I guess. I am tired. I don't even know the name of the hotel, but it seems nice. I do know it's on a hill. I assume Dad is already asleep. Fortunately, we don't have an early flight to Coca tomorrow, so we've ordered a 7am wake-up call and will have time for breakfast before the adventure really begins. 


  1. Lone Star and Texas 'Que... I don't know why or even how you left that.

  2. I commented...but then it disappeared. Anyways, what I said was,"Airport BBQ?!?!? I can take you to some REAL Texas BBQ sometime. Too bad you don't have longer layovers..."
