
Thursday, May 8, 2014

Costa Rica: Day 4, Afternoon - La Selva

After the siesta, we headed down the road from our cabins and saw a few new motmots (the keel-billed and the broad-billed). The motmots are the early contender for my favorite bird type of the trip.

Broad-billed Motmot

We also saw some woodpeckers, wrens, amongst others. 

Afterwards, we went back to the Biological Station and saw more wrens near the entrance. We saw plenty of Toucans, Araçari, and Parakeets. 

There was again a bit of a rain delay, but we were able to wait the storm out and get some photography in afterwards, before it got dark. 

The best story of the day happened on our way back from the Station after dinner. It's a short drive from the gate to the cabins, and it was quite dark out. As we turned a corner in the road, both Noel and I spotted something in the road. It was biggish, had a long curly tail, stripes, and tall ears. I honestly thought it was a lemur....I was expecting big golden eyes and a long nose...Noel thought the same. Turns out, it was a constipated cat taking a dump in the middle of the road. 


Anyway, here are some pics from the afternoon, except the first, which Dad is insisting I put in even though it's from this morning. 

This is how you photograph bats

Freaky bug

Got lucky with this one

Photo bombed

Blue Dacnis

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