
Monday, May 5, 2014

Costa Rica: Day 1

Long day.  Really long day. 

Up at 2am, on the road by 2:30, DIA by 4:00, terrible coffee by 4:30, Dad stopped by security twice and asked if he was traveling alone once (Dad is a suspicious character) by 5:00, flight to Houston at 6:00, no wifi in Houston at 9:30, breakfast calzones at 10, boarding at 11:20, in San Jose by 2:00, finally find driver at 2:20, figure out that both Dad and I really need to learn more Spanish by 2:21, awkward quiet ride to hotel until 2:45, checked in by 3:00, photographing birds in the garden by 3:20, dinner at 6:00, discovered my toothbrush is missing at 7:02, sorting and IDing photos until 8:30, and now it's blog time. 

The room.

The garden.

I'd say more, especially about how I'm irritating Dad with my beginner's luck with this whole bird watching thing, but it's late, I'm tired, and the plan is to be up early. So for now, enjoy some of the fruits of our labor from this afternoon:

Rufous-collared Sparrow

Canivet's Emerald

Brown Jay

Greyish Saltator

Pale-vented Pigeon
Blue-crowned Motmot

Grey-necked Wood-rail

Green-crowned Brilliant

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